Are you looking for new (beginning/easy) chapter books for your growing readers? Here are my favorite chapter book choices from 2022 for children ages 6 to 9.
The Best Chapter Books of 2022
Peach and Plum Here We Come! by Tim McCanna (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
I normally dislike rhyming, but I really like how the rhyming supports the decoding of the text. In this book, two good fruit friends experience tasty adventures such as riding bikes and going to the beach.
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Ivy Lost and Found by Cynthia Lord, illustrated by Stephanie Graegin
An old doll gets a new life as a book buddy! Ivy’s been in the attic for years until her girl donates Ivy to the Book Buddy’s shelf at the library. A lonely girl visiting her dad and his new family needs a friend and borrows Ivy, sharing many different feelings about her dad’s new family. Ivy gets a surprise adventure of her own and befriends two other Book Buddies.
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Madison Morris is Not a Mouse (Class Critters #3) by Kathryn Holmes
Madison hears the critical voice of her great aunt in her head telling her she can’t do anything; it makes her lose confidence, and she turns into… a mouse! During her day as a mouse, Madison meets another mouse who shows her that she doesn’t have to listen to that critical voice and that she can tell it to be quiet. It’s a stunning revelation that helps Madison turn back into a kid again.
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Bug Scouts Out in the Wild by Mike Lowery (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
Three bug friends have a super secret headquarters where they get to earn bug badges. The friends start on their first badge–foraging but then they spy a frog!! And frogs EAT bugs! Yikes. Don’t worry, the bug scouts find a great solution. Hilarious and entertaining.
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Emmet and Jez Adventures in Fosterland by Hannah Shaw, illustrated by Bev Johnson
Jez is a kitten with three legs who assumes that Emmett (a pig) is a kitten. But Emmett notices that he’s not a very good kitten — because he’s a pig. Eventually, they both move to their Foreverlands. Emmett’s Foreverland is exactly what he dreamed of — a friendly farm with other pigs and cows and many new friends. A sweet, meaningful, sometimes funny book about kindness and being yourself.
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Bee & Flea and the Compost Caper by Anna Humphrey, illustrated by Mike Deas (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
If you like funny and gross stories with wordplay and science, don’t miss this hilarious choice! Bee offers to help Flea with her rule enforcement for the agents of F.L.E.A. They travel to a compost pile where Bee and Flea encounter danger, a daring rescue, and a heartwarming, developing friendship moment — plus, we learn all about the purpose of compost and the jobs of its many residents.
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Expedition Backyard by Rosemary Mosco, illustrated by Binglin Hu (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
Two best friends, Mole and Vole, go on adventures together in nature. When the two friends accidentally move to the city, they make the best of it with positive attitudes. In the city, they have exciting new city nature adventures and discover new animal friends, sights, and sounds which are interspersed with facts about everything. It’s a delightful friendship story with appealing, beautiful illustrations!
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Cat Kid Comic Club on Purpose by Dav Pilkey (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
These books just get better and better! In this third novel, the tadpoles are trying to get published — and feel dejected when they get rejected. But they keep trying and writing and collaborating, and their subsequent stories are creative and entertaining. If you haven’t read this series, I highly recommend it.
Word Travelers and the Taj Mahal Mystery by Raj Haldar, illustrated by Nehra Rawat
Fast-paced and fun, this word-lovers adventure is a puzzling mystery and explores the origin of English words that come from India. When Eddie wonders where the word pajama came from, his mom tells he and his friend MJ to find his great-grandfather’s big book of words. When they open the book, they’re magically transported to India, where they help find his family’s missing fortune. As they solve the clues, they learn more words with Indian roots — many are from Hindi, like bangle and bungalow, and others are from Sanskrit like the words jackal and jungle.
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Two-Headed Chicken by Tom Angleberger (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
If you like wacky, bizarre humor then this is your next favorite read. This is a story about the multiverse in which you are a two-headed chicken being chased by a moose…and it’s laugh-out-loud funny. If you’ve ever listened in to a little kid pretend playing something and making up weird scenarios–that is this book in a nutshell. You’ll follow the two-headed chicken through the multiverse, take funny quizzes, and meet a fish with deep feelings as well as a lawyer!
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