This was week 12 in My Father’s World Kindergarten, and our topic was W is for Water. Zeke is also using Abeka Math and Rod and Staff workbooks.
Today we read about water in the God’s World A to Z book. We talked about the water cycle and the three states of matter. To illustrate what a liquid is compared to a solid, Zeke pour water from one cup into a different shaped container. We talked about how a liquid changes shape to fit the container it’s in. Then we did the same with a nickel. He saw how the nickel never changed because it is a solid.

Dropping the nickel from different containers

Pouring water into different containers
I found a free printable activity that we used with Cheerios to illustrate the atoms in solids, liquids, and gases. Zeke enjoyed doing this, and I think it was a great visual (and fine motor activity) for him.

Next I made a chart with three columns labeled solids, liquids, and gases. Each day he will add to this chart. Today he drew three liquids – water, Kool-Aid, and sweet tea. I love the pitcher of tea he drew next to the glass!

He completed one page in Abeka Math and four in his Rod and Staff workbook since he loves that one so much! He also colored and cut apart his word cards and put them in an envelope.
Today we read the books “Make Way for Ducklings” and “Ducks Don’t Get Wet.” Then we did an experiment with oil and water. I cut out two feathers from construction paper. One feather, Zeke covered with vegetable oil. The other feather we left dry. Next Zeke dropped water on each feather. The feather without oil soaked up the water, and the feather covered in oil repelled the water. We talked about how oil and water don’t mix, and he tried to mix it together.

We talked about solids and he added to his paper. He drew ice, a pair of scissors, and me!

He completed his handwriting worksheet and sound discrimination worksheet. He also did two pages in Abeka math and two pages in his Rod and Staff workbook.

I wrote down the words in the -at family and he practiced reading those words. I’m going to try to print some worksheets for this since he did well.
Today we talked about gases. We did a quick little demonstration by boiling a little water on the stove. We watched the steam rise up and discussed water vapor and gases. Zeke likes seeing visuals!

Then we added to his states of matter chart. He drew a balloon full of helium and steam from boiling water.

His finished chart!
Next, we completed his math page. We talked about pennies, nickels, and dimes and made ten cents with each.

He also read some words and glued them to the correct picture. One worksheet is from My Fathers World and the other is a freebie from Teachers Pay Teachers on the -at family.

Then he completed four pages in his Rod and Staff workbook.

We reviewed the states of matter today. He remembered a lot from what we’ve learned this week! I even had him tell his dad what he remembered, and Rod was very impressed.
We worked on blending words and reading, and he completed his Blend Ladder worksheet. He is sort-of getting it, but I remember from teaching my other kids to read that it’s usually slow at first, and when it clicks, they’ll take off!

He worked in Abeka math and Rod and Staff workbook. We had speech therapy in the afternoon, so we made a short day of it.
Today Zeke did his drawing page. I love this page each week! He drew a wagon, a watermelon, water, and a window.

On the back, he cut out the phrases, read them, and glued them to the correct picture. We introduced the sight word the today. He struggled with that!

He did a math page in Abeka Math and two pages in his Rod and Staff workbook. Another short day, but that’s okay! I forgot that I printed him out a States of Matter sorting worksheet, so we’ll do that Saturday.
Next week – Insects!