This week we learned the letter P and talked about penguins! It’s the end of February, but here in Louisiana it feels more like spring than winter. We still enjoyed the topic this week!
Zeke colored and cut apart his sound cards, and he put them in an envelope. I printed off a few extra penguin worksheets from The Mailbox for this week, and he did this one today where he had to fill in the missing numbers.

We read through his word list for this week, and then we reread his story “The Sled” from last week. I’m so glad he actually enjoys this reading practice. He wants to just recite the story instead of reading the words, but it’s all part of the reading process. Sounding out words is still a little confusing for him, but he really does get better every day.
Today Zeke did his handwriting and sound discrimination worksheet. He was trying to spell “penguin” by himself, and he wrote down “pngw” – pretty phonetically close! He could hear the sounds in the word and that was pretty impressive to me.

He did this page from The Mailbox – he had to listen to the words and fill in the missing short vowel. He got most of them correct, but as most beginning readers do, he confused the short /i/ and /e/ as it’s harder to distinguish.

We did a page in Abeka math, and he learned about telling time to the half-hour. He does great with his addition problems!

He also completed a few pages in his Rod and Staff workbooks, which he loves, and he read his word list again.
No school on Wednesday because we babysat for my oldest daughter’s two little ones, Daniel (3) and Mikenna (5 months). We’re getting pretty good at condensing school into four days lately!
Zeke started out by reading his word list again, and he did fantastic today! Then we did his blend ladder worksheet and his cut-and-paste worksheet.

We measured how tall an Emperor penguin can get to (3.5 feet!) on the post in our kitchen, and we measured Zeke. He is just a smidge under that height! They weight up to 90 pounds, and Zeke weighed in at 43.6 today.
I found a cute worksheet on The Mailbox where Zeke had to sort the pictures by what a real penguin would do, and what a real penguin would not do.

We did a page in Abeka math, and he is getting pretty good at recognizing the number words to ten. We need to do a few more games/activities to help with this! He is also getting quicker with his addition problems. He did several pages in his Rod and Staff workbooks. I love how he gets so much extra work using his critical thinking skills and fine motor exercises with these workbooks.

We read two Tacky the Penguin books that we found at the library.

We started today with a new calendar for March, and we’re going to use rainbow colors to make a pattern with the dates. Zeke did his Abeka math page first, and I’m so pleased with how quickly he picks up new math concepts.
I had one more penguin themed worksheet from The Mailbox – a rhyming worksheet. He caught on to the rhyming concept today, and he got all four correct.
He drew and labeled four pictures that begin with /p/ – pencil, penguin, panda, and popcorn. I love his big popcorn tub!
We didn’t work in the Rod and Staff workbooks today, but we read his word list again and his new story – Sam’s Pet. He did pretty good with sounding out the words, but after reading it twice he had it memorized. He kept “reading” the story, which is great practice since he was pointing to each word as he recited it.
Zeke did our Arctic World puzzle.

Lastly, we painted a penguin! We looked at the picture in the God’s Amazing World book, and I think Zeke’s penguin turned out so cute.

So sweet to see them together like this.

That was our week in homeschool kindergarten! Next week – kangaroos!