Find the best kids’ Valentine’s Day children’s books to read aloud near and on Valentine’s Day. These holiday stories are sweet, silly, and even gross.
I love finding the best kids’ books to read aloud — and highly recommend giving a book as a non-candy gift alternative.
The fun of Valentine’s Day for kids is not just in sharing books but also in doing festive crafts (didn’t you love making your own Valentine’s Day box?) and eating yummy treats. (But, remember your allergic friends — they love to be included in treat giving! Ask about allergies and consider being kind with inclusive sweets.)
I’ve written the list in order of age group, starting with board books for babies and toddlers, continuing to picture books for preschool age up to upper elementary, and ending with activity books for elementary and up.

Best Kids’ Valentine’s Day Books

Counting Kisses: A Kiss & Read Book by Karen Katz
If you don’t already have a Karen Katz book, run to buy several including this kids’ Valentines’ choice — they’re interactive, fun, and addictive. Counting Kisses will have you kissing your child throughout the entire book. “10 little kisses on teeny tiny toes.” A great bedtime book for all year-round.

The I Love You Book by Todd Parr
Unconditional love for a kids’ Valentine’s Day can be celebrated with Todd Parr’s characteristic colorful style . . . You’ll love this book of love. Your little one’s fingers will want to push and poke the puffy heart cover, too.

Huggy Kissy by Leslie Patricelli
Kids Valentines love Leslie Patricelli’s board books (Yummy Yucky is an all-time favorite!) Huggy Kissy is super cute and lovable for your bald-baby lovers who love hugs and kisses.

I Love You Stinky Face by Lisa McCourt, illustrated by Cyd Moose
First of all, this was a favorite bedtime story for my kids because it’s unexpectedly precious! Here’s why… it’s bedtime and a child imagines all sorts of worst scenarios (if he were an ape or stinky skunk or an alligator) and is hoping his mom will reassure him. As a result, the mom offers her son the BEST answers that show how she’d always accept her son any way he is.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse by Laura Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond
Mouse makes special Valentine’s Day cards for each of his friends, taking into consideration each friend’s personality.

Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond
On the day it rained hearts, Cornelia catches one after another. She takes them home and thoughtfully makes Valentine’s Day cards for her friends.

This is Not a Valentine by Carter Higgins, illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins
Two good friends, a boy and a girl, want it to be clear that their gifts to each other are tokens of a good friendship — NOT Valentine’s Day gifts. Readers must notice the illustrations to find the gifts… gifts like a ring from a grocery store machine, a picture, a paper airplane, and a frog from science class. It’s a sweet story about a friendship that doesn’t need to be celebrated on just one day because they are friends on all the days

The Night Before Valentine’s Day by Natasha Wing and Heidi Petach
What are the kids doing this special night before Valentine’s? They’re getting supplies and making cards for friends.

Queen of Hearts (Ann Estelle Stories) by Mary Engelbreit
My kids love this picture book the most! Ann Estelle is making the best, most decorated box for her cards. She gets so involved with this that she forgets all about making her friends cards. But once she realizes, even though it’s last minute, she uses the decorations on her box to make cards.

Click, Clack, Moo I Love You! by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Betsy Lewin
Little Duck welcomes the animals to the Valentine’s Day Dance. At first, all the animals stick with their own groups. Until Little Fox arrives. Should the animals be afraid of this carnivore? No! Little Duck welcomes Little Fox, too and they start dancing. Soon the pigs dance with the chickens, the chickens dance with the sheep, and they all dance until the cows come home. A fun, sparkly book about the richness of friendships with others who aren’t in our “group”.

I Love You Already! by Jory John and Benji Davies
We love this book — is so hilarious, especially if you know an introvert and extrovert who must figure out how to make their friendship work. Duck LOVES to talk and be together. Bear loves quiet, lazy alone time. You can imagine the miscommunications that happen. But no matter what, they are reminded that they don’t need to earn each other’s love, they love each other already.

I Am Love: A Book of Compassion by Susan Verde, illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds
Love is acting with tenderness when you see someone stuck in the rain and you bring them an umbrella. Love is being present, not saying a word when someone needs to talk. “I can hug and hold and say, “Everything will be alright.” Love is comfort.” In fact, love is many things writes Verde — gratitude, taking care of me, creativity, understanding, effort, remembering, and more.

Mr. Prickles A Quill-Fated Love Story by Kara LaReau, illustrated by Scott Magoon
Mr. Prickles and Mrs. Pointypants learn a valuable lesson about friendship and love in this charming story with plenty of puns and alliterations. “He tried to join in their midnight picnicking but it was pointless.”

Love Monster and the Last Chocolate by Rachel Bright
When the Love Monster receives a box of chocolates, he really doesn’t want to share — but he knows that he should so even though it’s hard, he runs to his friends to share all the chocolates. But lucky for him, the chocolates are from his friends and they want him to eat them all.

Here Comes Valentine Cat by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Claudia
Rueda Cat’s NO-Valentines zone is in effect but Dog might just change Cat’s mind. You’ll reread this new Valentine’s Day book many times — it’s sweet and funny.

Zombie in Love by Kelly DiPucchio
Get ready to laugh while grossing out just a little! Mortimer does everything he can think of to find a Valentine — personal ads, books, dance lessons, but nothing works. At the Cupid’s Ball, he manages to scare off every girl but one — a zombie named Mildred.

The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever by Brenda Ferber and Tedd Arnold
You’ll love this hilarious take on Valentine’s Day — which is perfect with Tedd Arnold’s illustrations. (Love him!) You see, when Leon starts to make his crush, Zoey Maloney, a Valentine’s Day card, his card is NOT happy. In fact, the card is totally grossed out and escapes out the window. As Leon races after his card, he hears advice from girls, boys, and teens. Advice like “eew” and “romantic” and “risky.” DOWNLOAD the free activity kit here.

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli, illustrated by Paul Yalowitz
When a secret admirer sends Mr. Hatch a Valentine with a card that says someone loves him, it changes Mr. Hatch from a boring, drab man to be more interactive and interested in others and his life. But when the postman returns for the card, having delivered it to the wrong person, Mr. Hatch’s new friends help him remember that he is still loved.

Rose Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane deGroat
Gilbert writes several not very kind cards to his friends, signing them from a different person. The cards are read, feelings are hurt, and Gilbert needs to fix his mistake.

Mr. Goat’s Valentine by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Kevin Zimmer
Mr. Goat wants to buy his love special gifts. What he gets will delight young readers — and they’re all perfectly wonderful!

Little Treasures Endearments from Around the World by Jacqueline K. Ogburn, illustrated by Chris Raschka
Although this isn’t really a Valentine’s Day book, it seemed fitting. This book captures all the sweet names we call children, names like pumpkin and honey, from all around the world. The Brits call their children poppet and love. The Aussies call their children lamb chop and possum. If you watched Pepe Le Pew you’ll know this French term of endearment, mon petit chou, which means little cabbage. Russians say solnyshko which means sunny sun. Ugandans say kabiite, or pampered one. And Chinese families call children xiao pie dou, little mischievous pea.

Amelia Bedelia’s First Valentine by Herman Parish, illustrated by Lynne Avril
Amelia is a child who in this simple and silly story, gets her first Valentine’s Day card. But she accidentally forgets her cards on the bus and must problem solve so she can give her classmates their cards.

Love, Splat by Rob Scotton
Splat wants to give Kitten a Valentine but he’s too shy. And, Spike (Splat’s rival) also likes Kitten! What’s a cat to do? I adore Splat and think you will as well.

How to Help a Cupid by Sue Fliess, illustrated by Simona Sanfilippo
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with this cute, rhyming story about a group of kids helping a cupid stuck in a tree — and show him how to craft Valentine’s Day crafts.

What I Love About You by Me
Fill in the blanks to tell your special person what it is you love about them! It’s a great gift for moms and dads from kids or from spouses.

Valentine’s Day Book Bucks