As parents of teens and young adults, we’ve witnessed countless trends come and go. But the latest phenomenon sweeping through college campuses and high schools is something we never expected: grandmacore.

What is grandmacore?
Yes, you read that right. Our tech-savvy, social media-obsessed kids are suddenly embracing activities traditionally associated with their grandparents’ generation. What is Grandmacore? Grandmacore is a lifestyle and aesthetic that originated as a fashion trend on TikTok in 2021.
It encompasses a mix of vintage and retro elements, typically cozy, whimsical, and full of nostalgia. Think homemade cookies, unfinished quilts, and hand-knitted sweaters. And house decor like grandma had.
For some teens and young adults it is a way to connect with their grandparents and share an activity together. The learning goes both ways, grandparents teaching techniques while grandchildren showing them the newest innovations. Connecting across the generations strengthens families and is good for all of us and we could not love this more.
Dr. Cara Natterson, pediatrician, consultant and New York Times bestselling author told Grown and Flown that,
It’s hard to say precisely why kids turn to grandmacore…one could imagine they’re harkening back to a simpler time, keeping their hands DIY-busy and helping them to resist the pull of their smartphones. But that’s our adult fantasy lens on the situation. Really the draw is different for different kids: some love being makers; others describe these activities as meditative (with or without music or shows streaming through their phones), and still others feel human connection through the activity. But don’t fool yourself! Grandmacore doesn’t just tether younger generations to older ones. My daughter’s high school had more crocheters than I could count! And then there were the sewers, the embroiderers, the figure artists, and on and on…
Dr. cara Natterson
The popular grandmacore activities
So, what exactly are our kids doing that’s so… grandma-like? Well, here are some the most popular grandmacore activities…
Knitting and Crocheting
Once considered the domain of grannies, these crafts are now cool again. Young people are creating everything from cozy scarves to trendy crop tops with their needles and yarn.
Move over store-bought cookies. Our kids are dusting off old recipe books and whipping up homemade treats from scratch. All those incredible TikToks about decorating cupcakes are coming to life in people’s kitchens.
Whether it’s a windowsill herb garden or a full-blown vegetable patch, many young people are discovering their green thumbs.
From mending clothes to creating entire outfits, sewing machines are humming. Old machines once gathered dust in the basement but are now finding their way into dorm rooms across the country.
This delicate art form is making a comeback, with teens adding personal touches to everything from jeans to pillowcases.
And, these are just a few of the old-fashioned, non-tech entertainments that are making a come-back. Paint by number, coloring, jigsaw puzzles, Lego, scrapbooks, watercolors, cross stitching, making stuffed animals, felting, canning and journaling are all back in style again.
The appeal of comfort and nostalgia
One of the key attractions of grandmacore is its emphasis on comfort and nurturing. This desire for comfort isn’t surprising, given the challenges and uncertainties our children face. From global pandemics to climate change, the world can seem overwhelming. Grandmacore activities can offer a cozy retreat from these stressors.
Rebellion against fast fashion and consumerism
Interestingly, grandmacore can also be seen as a form of rebellion against fast fashion and throwaway culture. By embracing handmade, durable items and learning skills to create and repair things themselves, our kids are pushing back against the constant pressure to buy new things.
In general, young people who want to embrace a more sustainable life find the growing, cooking, sewing and creating fits with the life they want. For a generation that has come of age in a world of stress and anxiety, these quiet contemplative activities are a welcome antidote.
The role of social media
While it might seem ironic, social media – particularly TikTok – has played a crucial role in popularizing grandmacore. The hashtag #grandmacore has millions of views, with young people sharing their latest knitting projects, baking adventures, and thrifted vintage finds. Kids who have been raised online want to get away from screens and create something rather than scroll endlessly.
Is this just another phase?
As parents, we might wonder if this is just another fleeting trend. Will our kids soon abandon their knitting needles and sourdough starters for the next big thing? While it’s impossible to predict the future, there are reasons to believe that grandmacore might have staying power.
First, many of these activities align with broader societal trends towards sustainability, mindfulness, and authenticity. Learning to make and mend things fits well with growing environmental consciousness.
Secondly, these skills have practical value. In an uncertain economy, knowing how to cook from scratch, grow your own food, or repair clothes can be genuinely useful. Finally, the satisfaction and stress relief these activities provide may become increasingly important as our children navigate the challenges of adulthood.
How can parents support this trend?
As parents, we have a unique opportunity to encourage and support our children’s interest in grandmacore activities. Parents can share family recipes or teach them skills you know. Or gift your teens with starter kits for crafts they’re interested in trying.
Also, show genuine interest in their projects and creations and encourage kids to demonstrate and teach you some of their new skills. It can be a great bonding experience!
Embracing the unexpected
While we may never have imagined our tech-savvy teens embracing ‘granny’ hobbies, the grandmacore trend offers many positive aspects. It encourages creativity, teaches valuable life skills, and provides a cozy refuge in an often chaotic world.
So the next time you see your college student curled up with a crochet hook instead of their smartphone, or find your high schooler baking cookies from scratch, remember – they’re not just following a trend. They’re connecting with timeless skills and finding comfort in activities that have brought joy to generations before them.
Grandmacore might just be the most wholesome trend we’ve seen in a long time.
More Great Reading:
Dear Teenagers, Your Grandparents Weren’t Always Old