From waking up early to teach us a new breakfast recipe to showing us exactly where to plant flowers in a garden so they get the right amount of sunlight, our grandparents are some of our greatest teachers in life.
I didn’t get to see my grandparents very often, as they lived across the country but I always knew they were just a phone call away. They always showed me unconditional love and support, even when I made mistakes and they always asked questions about my latest sports games or theater performances. They never failed to make me feel loved and special.
As I grew into a busy teen, I spent less time with my grandparents but I always looked forward to birthdays or spending Thanksgiving with them. Then, I went to college and became even busier. My grandparents were still always rooting for me, cheering me on from a distance, and sending cards or text messages to let me know they were there for me. My grandparents were so important to me that I spent both my freshman and senior year spring breaks during college with them in Florida.

My grandparents taught me many important lessons
My grandparents taught me many things — from kindness to acceptance to strength, but the biggest thing they taught me was perseverance. In April, 2021, my grandparents’ lives were turned upside down in an instant. A car drove into their home, literally. The car drove through the front wall of their home, through the living room, and then hit the wall between the living room and kitchen.
My grandfather happened to be standing in front of the refrigerator; the impact of the car hitting the wall threw both him and the refrigerator across the kitchen, with the refrigerator landing on top of him. Neighbors rushed to assist him before paramedics arrived and he was ultimately airlifted to a trauma center. He was in serious condition and unable to walk and we didn’t know if he would ever be able to walk again. I got the call while away at college, and tears streamed down my face as my mom explained the situation to me.
I was shocked, how could this have happened? This was just about the worst thing that can happen to people just trying to enjoy retirement. I felt sick, my stomach hurt and I wanted to help but there wasn’t much I could from California. The next few weeks were extremely stressful for everyone in my family.
My grandparents were terribly impacted by my grandfather’s accident
We were all so worried about not only my grandpa’s physical health (being unable to walk and breaking many bones) but also his mental health. How was he going to deal with something so awful happening to him at his age? It also severely impacted my grandma, who was not physically injured but was dealing with the emotional trauma of her beloved husband of over 60 years being horribly injured, and the complete loss and destruction of her home and many of the belongings inside.
But what surprised everyone was how positive my grandfather remained throughout the entire thing. He was simply grateful that he was alive when the accident could have easily taken his life. He taught us all that even when life gets you down you have to be grateful for the things you do have rather than dwelling on the things you don’t have.
This accident and my grandfather’s reaction to it had a huge impact on me. While I had been stressing about all my assignments I had due for college and worried about what I was going to do with my life after I graduated, I realized that all of the little things that had been giving me so much anxiety didn’t actually matter in the large scheme of things. I had so much to be thankful for.
I realized that if my grandpa could remain positive under such unfortunate circumstances, there was no reason for me to feel angry that I failed one exam or have my day be ruined when my friends cancel plans (things that used to bother me).
My grandfather taught me to appreciate the little things in life
I learned to appreciate the little things in life that do make me happy. Even though he was unable to walk or function as he had previously, my grandpa found ways to become happy such as reading his favorite newspaper or receiving a call from a friend or family member. He was grateful for the kind nurses, physical therapists, and other medical personnel who not only saved his life but helped him to recover.
When something so life changing happens to a close family member, it really puts life into perspective and makes you be thankful for the little things in life. My grandpa’s strength and perseverance truly taught me to live each day to the fullest because anything can happen and it’s important to find things that make you happy every single day.
Grandparents can truly teach us so much about life. Because they are older, they have so much more life experience and can offer advice on just about any situation. They have so much wisdom and are truly our greatest blessings and our greatest teachers. Cherish the time you have with them and always listen to their advice; they know more than you may realize.
More Great Reading:
Grandparents are Underappreciated: Here’s Why We Need to Change That