March 14, 2025
Sometimes, the best way to break the ice or get to know someone better is with a simple choice. That’s where “This or That” questions come in! These fun, quick questions offer two options. They’re great for sleepovers, road trips, ice-breakers, family game nights, or even just passing time with friends. Whether you’re looking for something funny, deep, or thought-provoking, there’s a “This or That” question for every mood and situation. If you are struggling to come up with your own questions, just use some from our massive list!
How to Play This or That
Playing This or That is super simple. One person asks a question, like “Chocolate or vanilla?”, and the other person picks their favorite. You can take turns asking questions, go in a circle in a group, or even play over text or social media. To make it even more fun, you can add a rule where players have to explain why they chose their answer. The game is very similar to “would you rather” except it is more fast-paced. Whether you’re looking for a quick icebreaker or a long, entertaining game, “This or That” is a simple and fun way to connect with others!
Best “This or That” Questions
The best “This or That” questions are ones that make people think, laugh, and learn more about each other’s preferences. You don’t want to ask questions that have a clearly correct answer. Ideally, the question asked will have different answers among people in the group.
Fun “This or That” Questions
- Morning or night?
- Summer or winter?
- Netflix or YouTube?
- Texting or calling?
- Books or movies?
- Ice cream or cake?
- Pizza or burgers?
- Music or podcasts?
- City or countryside?
- Rain or snow?
- Roller coasters or water slides?
- Play video games or watch TV?
- Comedy or drama?
- Board games or card games?
- Work alone or work in a team?
- Smart or funny?
- Stay up late or wake up early?
- Be invisible or read minds?
- Eat only salty food or only sweet food?
- Be super rich or super famous?
- Always be five minutes late or always be 30 minutes early?
- Be able to teleport or be able to time travel?
- Live without music or live without movies?
- Always have bad hair or always have bad breath?
- Have unlimited money or unlimited happiness?
- Live without social media or live without TV?
- Be a superhero or be a wizard?
- Have a rewind button or a pause button on life?
- Live in a mansion with no internet or in a small house with WiFi?
- Have super strength or super intelligence?
Food and Drink “This or That” Questions
- Chocolate or vanilla?
- Pancakes or waffles?
- Coke or Pepsi?
- Spicy or mild?
- Sweet or salty?
- Milkshake or smoothie?
- French fries or onion rings?
- Hot chocolate or coffee?
- Sushi or tacos?
- BBQ or seafood?
- Apple pie or brownies?
- Ketchup or mustard?
- Popcorn or pretzels?
- Fruit or vegetables?
- Orange juice or apple juice?
- Cake or cookies?
- Cheese or butter?
- Rice or pasta?
- Soda or sparkling water?
- Chicken nuggets or mozzarella sticks?
- Chips and dip or crackers and cheese?
- Ice cream in a cone or in a cup?
- Peanut butter or jelly?
- Oatmeal or cereal?
- Eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
- Cheeseburger or hot dog?
- Brownies with nuts or without?
- Nachos or quesadilla?
- Ranch or blue cheese?
- Water with lemon or water with cucumber?
Entertainment & Pop Culture Questions
- Marvel or DC?
- Harry Potter or Star Wars?
- Comedy or horror movies?
- Superheroes or villains?
- Reality TV or sitcoms?
- Video games or board games?
- Concert or sports game?
- TikTok or Instagram?
- Disney or Pixar?
- Streaming or cable TV?
- Super Mario or Sonic?
- The Office or Friends?
- Fantasy or sci-fi?
- Books with a happy ending or a cliffhanger?
- Super strength or super speed?
- Animated movies or live-action?
- Mystery or romance?
- Autograph from a celebrity or a selfie with them?
- Watching a new movie or rewatching an old favorite?
- Online gaming or in-person gaming?
- Action movies or thriller movies?
- Old school cartoons or new animated shows?
- Watching movies alone or with friends?
- Batman or Superman?
- Rock music or pop music?
- Singing or dancing?
- Concert in a stadium or an intimate setting?
- Rap music or country music?
- Binge-watch a show or watch one episode at a time?
- Read the book first or watch the movie first?
“This or That” Questions About Travel and Adventure
- Beach or mountains?
- Road trip or plane ride?
- Hotel or Airbnb?
- Disney World or Universal Studios?
- Camping or glamping?
- Cruise or all-inclusive resort?
- Skiing or surfing?
- New York or Los Angeles?
- Backpacking or luxury vacation?
- Theme park or water park?
- Europe or Asia?
- Big city or small town?
- Staycation or vacation?
- Visit a famous landmark or discover a hidden gem?
- Travel alone or with friends?
- Travel for food or for adventure?
- Sunrise or sunset?
- Travel for relaxation or sightseeing?
- Take photos or just enjoy the moment?
- Road trip with music or with podcasts?
- Safari in Africa or snorkeling in the Maldives?
- Visit every country or live in one dream location forever?
- Carry a backpack or a suitcase?
- Ride a bike or rent a scooter in a new city?
- Fly first class or stay in a 5-star hotel?
- Learn a new language or visit a new country every year?
- Cruise on the ocean or explore a jungle?
- Train travel or plane travel?
- Travel light or pack extra?
- Visit ancient ruins or modern cities?
Funny “This or That” Questions
- Fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
- Always talk like a pirate or always walk like a penguin?
- Have spaghetti for hair or marshmallows for toes?
- Wear clown shoes every day or a Viking helmet everywhere you go?
- Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
- Have a permanently squeaky voice or randomly burst into song every 10 minutes?
- Always smell like garlic or always smell like wet dog?
- Be covered in fur or be covered in scales?
- Have forks for fingers or spoons for toes?
- Only eat food that’s way too spicy or food that’s completely flavorless?
- Have your laugh sound like a car horn or have your sneeze sound like a trumpet?
- Always have popcorn stuck in your teeth or a rock in your shoe?
- Never be able to stop dancing or never be able to stop singing?
- Be able to talk to squirrels or have a pet parrot that insults you all the time?
- Have a nose that honks like a clown horn when you touch it or ears that flap when you run?
- Only be able to move in slow motion or only be able to speak in rhymes?
- Have your arms be as long as your legs or your legs be as short as your arms?
- Have a pet dragon that sneezes fire at you or a pet unicorn that constantly sheds glitter?
- Always hiccup when you talk or always burp when you laugh?
- Wear a chicken suit to work every day or wear a tutu to the grocery store every time you shop?
Holiday and Season Preferences
- Halloween or Christmas?
- Thanksgiving or New Year’s Eve?
- Trick-or-treating or haunted houses?
- Easter eggs or Easter candy?
- Spring or fall?
- Fireworks or sparklers?
- Pumpkin spice or peppermint mocha?
- Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?
- Giving gifts or receiving gifts?
- Haunted house or corn maze?
- Christmas lights or Christmas tree?
- Dressing up in costumes or decorating for holidays?
- Watching holiday movies or listening to holiday music?
- Buying presents or making DIY gifts?
- Snowball fight or sledding?
- Scary movies or Christmas movies?
- Thanksgiving feast or holiday desserts?
- New Year’s resolutions or no resolutions?
- Candy canes or chocolate truffles?
- Holiday parade or holiday party?
Romantic “This or That” Questions
- Love at first sight or slow burn?
- Flowers or chocolates?
- Long-distance or same city?
- Hugs or kisses?
- Romantic movies or action movies?
- Date night in or date night out?
- Matching outfits or no thanks?
- Sweet texts or love letters?
- Surprise dates or planned dates?
- PDA or private affection?
- Cooking dinner together or ordering takeout?
- Funny partner or serious partner?
- Talk every day or give each other space?
- Late-night calls or early morning texts?
- Holding hands or cuddling?
- Stay in and watch a movie or go to a concert?
- Love songs or breakup songs?
- Take cute selfies or just enjoy the moment?
- Remember anniversaries or surprise with small gifts?
- Fancy restaurant or homemade meal?
- First date: coffee shop or dinner?
- Texting all day or deep conversations at night?
- Be with someone funny or someone romantic?
- Big wedding or small wedding?
- Write love notes or give gifts?
- Romantic getaway or fun road trip?
- Have the same interests or opposite personalities?
- Fall in love quickly or take time to trust?
- Love letters or heartfelt voice messages?
- Stay in love forever or be best friends forever?
Nature & Animals
- Dogs or cats?
- Big dogs or small dogs?
- Sunrise or sunset?
- Rainforest or desert?
- Dolphins or sharks?
- Birds or butterflies?
- Thunderstorm or clear sky?
- Fishing or hunting?
- Zoo or aquarium?
- Hiking or biking?
- Flowers or trees?
- Horseback riding or canoeing?
- Farm life or city life?
- Campfire or fireplace?
- Wildlife safari or scuba diving?
- Hot weather or cold weather?
- Watching the stars or watching the waves?
- Be a bird or be a fish?
- Swimming in a lake or swimming in a pool?
- Petting zoo or butterfly garden?
- Live in a treehouse or live in an underwater home?
- Be a lion or be a wolf?
- Rainy day or snowy day?
- Own a parrot or own a rabbit?
- Climb a mountain or dive into the ocean?
- Have a pet tiger or a pet eagle?
- Sleep under the stars or sleep in a cozy cabin?
- Explore the jungle or explore the Arctic?
- Discover a new animal species or discover a new plant species?
- Walk barefoot in the forest or walk barefoot on the beach?
Deep and Thought-Provoking “This or That “Questions
- Live in the past or the future?
- Be famous or be rich?
- Read minds or be invisible?
- Always be too hot or too cold?
- Change your past or see your future?
- Know everyone’s secrets or never be lied to?
- Be able to fly or breathe underwater?
- Live on a deserted island or a crowded city?
- Lose your phone or lose your wallet?
- Be 10 years older or 10 years younger?
- Free will or destiny?
- Be feared or be loved?
- Immortality or endless wealth?
- Dream job or dream house?
- No internet or no TV?
- Be an expert at one thing or good at everything?
- Live with no regrets or change one mistake?
- Time travel to meet ancestors or future generations?
- Be remembered forever or live a long life unnoticed?
- Have unlimited knowledge or unlimited happiness?
- Experience a new world or master the one you’re in?
- Have perfect health or unlimited money?
- Live without sleep or live without food?
- Always know the truth or never be hurt by a lie?
- Have super intelligence but no emotions or be highly emotional but not very smart?
- Discover the cure for all diseases or solve world hunger?
- Be able to control time or control people’s thoughts?
- Have one wish granted now or three wishes granted over 10 years?
- Be respected but misunderstood or be loved but never taken seriously?
- Have the ability to erase memories or the ability to relive any moment?