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Maybe you have a 1-year-old baby, niece, or nephew, or even a friend with a 1-year-old. Whether it’s the holidays or their birthday, eventually, you will have to find the perfect gift to give them. Now, what gift do you buy for a 1-year-old? So many cute things are available — way more than when we were kids. It can be tough to choose, but no worries! We’ve rounded up all the best gifts for 1-year-olds. We know they will love these items, and you will be proud to give them. Whether this is for your baby or you don’t have any children, this list will help you choose the right gift.
Outdoor play is essential for young children’s growth, health, and development.2 Encouraging kiddos to get outside and get their wiggles out is also vital for mom and dad’s sanity! Here are several unique gifts that will promote more outdoor adventures!
More Unique Gift Ideas
Here are some non-traditional gifts you can give to a 1-year-old and their family:
The Gift of Experience
If parents are opting for no gifts or more of an “experience” type of gift, passes to the zoo, a local water park or splash pad, Legoland, or a local indoor play park would be fun and something the whole family could enjoy. You could also ask the parents about upcoming vacations or classes and help with the fees or equipment needed. For example, if they plan to take a swim class, you could get them a new swimsuit or swim trunks, a cute towel, and a wet bag to throw their wet clothes in after class. It is helpful to the parents and fun to know you played a part in an activity they love.
Something To Make Mom and Dad’s Life Easier
A fun gift option for the parents is offering a couple of nights a year of volunteering for child care. You could wrap up cute coupons or a calendar marked with “date nights” written in. Whenever free child care is an option with people we love and trust, it makes for a much more enjoyable date night, and the trade-off of hanging out with a sweet little one isn’t so bad either.
Whether you opt for a traditional toy, a not-so-traditional “experience” gift, or just the gift of your time, I hope this guide on the best gifts for 1-year-olds has sparked something new for you. Hopefully, you’re excited to attend that birthday party or other event and have confidence in your gift choice!