New mom Kaley Cuoco may be an A-list celebrity and the star of some popular television shows, but that doesn’t mean she’s immune to a common postpartum condition. Kaley recently revealed to fans that she’s suffering from the aptly named “mommy wrist,” a painful form of tendonitis.
She shared a bit about what she’s going through on Instagram, highlighting how much your body goes through even after you’ve given birth.
Kaley Shared the News on Her Instagram Stories
The 37-year-old shared a photo of herself wearing a black compression bandage with her 7.9 million followers. “They call it ‘mommy wrist,’” she captioned the photo on her Instagram Story, looking disappointed about her new fashion accessory.
The American Society for Surgery of the Hand says “mommy’s wrist” is the layman’s term for de Quervain’s tenosynovitis (tendonitis). “This is a type of tendonitis in the wrist whose nickname comes from the fact that the condition is common in caregivers of young children,” the website says. “The tendonitis causes pain on the thumb side of the wrist and is worse with movement of the thumb. Activities such as opening jars, turning door knobs, and lifting children can be difficult.” 1
Both Kaley’s Wrists Have Been Impacted
Kaley then shared a follow-up photo in her Instagram Stories. This time, she wore a matching set of blue and gray wrist braces, one for each arm. “Did I mention it’s in both hands,” she captioned her new Story.
Under that, she added more info for fans, justifying her back-to-back complaints. “Just me sulking feeling sorry for myself lol.”
The Good News is That “Mommy Wrist” is Fairly Common
While we don’t know the exact cause, experts believe starting a new repetitious activity can cause it. In new moms, this generally means holding a baby for long periods, like during nursing or bottle feeding.
You can do most treatment options at home, like Kaley’s compression wraps and wrist braces. Other methods include rest, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections.
Kaley may not feel too great, but her prognosis is good. The condition usually resolves itself without surgery or other long-term treatments. The new mama just needs to be mindful of how she’s holding her little bundle of joy and try not to put too much strain on her wrist while doing so. This can help avoid further irritation down the line.
Kaley Recently Welcomed Her New Baby
The new mama delighted fans back in March when she revealed the arrival of her new bundle of joy. “💓 3-30-23 💓 Introducing, Matilda Carmine Richie Pelphrey, the new light of our lives,” her post read. “We are overjoyed and grateful for this little miracle 💓 Thank you to the doctors, nurses, family, and friends who have helped us immensely over the last few days. We are blessed beyond belief 💗 @tommypelphrey didn’t think I could fall even more in love with you, but I did 💗”
She tagged her partner, Ozark star Tom Pelphrey, who she had begun seeing a short time before announcing her pregnancy.
We Hope Kaley Feels Better Soon
As any new mama knows, it can be hard to care for your baby when you’re not feeling so tip-top yourself. We hope Kaley’s tendonitis is under control soon so she can return to some pain-free cuddle sessions with her new little love!