Today we are making a simple and easy felt turkey craft. Making a felt turkey is a Thanksgiving craft that is fun for kids of all ages. After making the felt turkey craft, kids can use it as a felt Thanksgiving puzzle which is a lovely and quiet Thanksgiving activity for younger kids.
Turkey Craft Made Out of Felt
While we are making this felt turkey craft for Thanksgiving, it is actually great for any season. Take inspiration from this turkey craft and make different animals for quiet time fun and games.
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Supplies Needed for Felt Turkey Craft
Instructions to Make a Turkey Out of Felt
Let me walk you through the steps we went through to play the activity. When you play this activity at your house, I hope you have as much fun as we did.
Note: If you want this activity to be a full felt puzzle, then only glue on the pieces that you don’t want to be loose. For older preschoolers, we glued on the eyes and bottom of the body only. For younger kids, we glued on the smaller pieces leaving the larger ones as part of the puzzle.
Step 1
We cut out the shape of the body on the dark brown felt. It is in the shape of a pear or like a squash.
Step 2
We started by gluing the body of the turkey on top of a felt square.
Step 3
Then we put the beak in middle of his neck and added eyes made of felt. You could use pre-made googly eyes instead.
Step 4
We then cut out a rounded zig zag piece from red felt for the turkey’s waddle and glued that into place.
Step 5
The turkey’s feet went before and after his body.
Step 6
The feathers were added on last to the felt turkey’s body. We placed narrow feathers on top of the wide ones before starting.
The large red feathers were placed so we could see them above his eyes.
Outside of the red feathers we placed the green feathers. The narrow white feathers on green felt were place inside of the green feathers with narrow red ones on them.
How did your felt turkey craft turn out? What parts did you keep as a turkey puzzle?