There are loads of Easter crafts for kids that get kids of all ages excited for a visit from the Easter bunny. These easy Easter crafts run the gamut from upcycled toilet roll bunnies to Easter bath bombs to deliciously icky Easter slime. And no Easter craft list would be complete without an entire section on how to dye Easter eggs! Sure you can get those magic dye tablets at the grocery store, but if you want to up your Easter egg game, we can show you how to tie-dye, rice shake, and even shaving cream those Easter eggs.
Still “dyeing” for a neighborhood egg hunt? Find one near you on your local roundup of all the best Easter activities in your city. Plus, we’ve got tons more ideas for at-home Easter fun in our Easter Activity Guide for Families.
Easy Easter Crafts for Kids
Egg Carton Flowers
Turn that empty egg carton (and a couple of pipe cleaners) into a dozen beautiful blooms of egg carton flowers.
Toilet Paper Roll Bunny
More of those pipe cleaners, a pair of googly eye stickers, and a set of bunny ears transform a toilet paper roll into a bunny. When you’ve got enough bunnies, we’ve got 20 more ideas for toilet paper roll crafts you can make with kids.
Easter Egg Watercolor Salt Craft
Raised salt paintings are a wonderful, open-ended art project for children of all ages. All you need is glue, salt, and watercolors to create these beautiful swirly, whirly, Easter-themed works of art.
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Make your own Easter Egg Pinata. Photo courtesy of the Pretty Little Party Shop
Easter Egg Piñata
It’s always a party with a piñata! With a balloon, some newspaper, glue, and tissue paper you can create the perfect egg-shaped piñata to fill with all sorts of Easter candy. You can also make a paper bag piñata and fill it with Easter goodies!
Clay Bunny Bowls
We love these clay bunny bowls because they are absolutely adorable and easy to make. All you need is air dry clay and a bowl to create this bowl’s bunny simple bunny silhouette.
RELATED: 30 Easy Paper Crafts for Kids for an Arty Day at Home

These Clothespin Easter Eggs have a cute surprise inside. Photo courtesy One Little Project
Clothespin Easter Eggs
Peekaboo! I see you! This simple craft project is always a good idea; whether you make a few of these clothespin Easter eggs to throw into baskets or to keep little ones occupied during a family meal.
Easter Egg Bath Bombs
It’s an Easter miracle—the kids are begging to take a bath! Use plastic eggs to create the mold for these sensational bath bombs.
RELATED: 50+ Genius Upcycled Cardboard Box Crafts and Activities for Kids
Rolling eggs in shaving cream and food dye produces gorgeous results. Photo by the author
Cool Ideas for How To Dye Easter Eggs
Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
Cover a rimmed cookie sheet in shaving cream (the white, foamy kind; not gel). Place several drops of food coloring around the shaving cream and swirl it with a toothpick or cotton swab. Gently roll the eggs through the shaving cream until they are completely coated and allow them to sit for 10-15 minutes. Finally, rinse off the shaving cream with water to reveal your egg.
Rice-Shake Eggs
Fill a plastic bag about halfway with dry rice and add a few drops of food coloring. Place a hard-boiled egg inside the bag and watch your egg become covered in a speckled pattern while you shake away. You can use a variety of bags with different colors to create a layered effect.
Tie-Dye Easter Eggs
These tie-dye Easter eggs are simple enough for a toddler to do. (Truly!)
There are so many ways to dye Easter eggs rich, beautiful colors. Photo by Mommy Poppins
Naturally Dyed Eggs
Experiment with different natural dyes, like fruits, vegetables, and spices, to turn your eggs beautiful shades of blue, pink, and orange.
No-Mess Marker Eggs
Do you love dyeing eggs, but hate the mess and stained fingers? Our no-mess sharpie Easter eggs only require permanent markers, boiled eggs, and your imagination. If permanent markers are a little too risky, try these methods that use washable markers. A coffee filter, a plastic bag, and a little water will result in beautiful swirls of color.
No markers, dyes, or stains when you make Confetti Easter Eggs. Photo courtesy of Love the Day
Confetti Easter Eggs
These eggs are ready for a party! Use scraps of tissue paper to create confetti Easter eggs.
Floral Wreath Crowned Easter Eggs
There is just something so precious about the little eggs wearing beautiful flower crowns.
No stained hands when you use this smart #momhack. Photo courtesy of Stock Piling Moms
Wire Whisk Easter Eggs
Technicolor hands used to be the tell-tale sign of Easter egg dye. That will be a thing of the past with this ultimate #momhack! Next time you dye your eggs, try using a wire whisk to do the dirty work!
Sprinkle Easter Eggs
If you are always on the lookout for a new way to decorate your eggs, try out these cheery sprinkle eggs.