We are super excited to announce that our Simple Chore & Rewards pack for kids is now available inside Our Simply Tidy Toolkit! The chore chart system makes it really easy to plan what needs to be done for the week and the month, but what is even more fun is the rewards system makes it customizable to exactly what motivates YOUR kids.

Chores for Kids with Big Rewards
If you are ready to get your kids to pitch in around the house without a fuss, this was created for you. Developed with the busy mom in mind, our Real Simple Chores and Rewards Bundle includes our most popular kids chore tools to help you calm the chaos of a crazy house…fast!
Track behavior with a visual clip chart, give your kids confidence and responsibility as they check off daily and weekly chores, encourage self-control with punch cards, reward progress with oh-so-cute coupons, and so much more!
More memories. Less tantrums.
–>Get Our Chore & Reward System Here

What Chores Need to Be Done?
Included in this chores for kids bundle is our Tidy Toolkit that is a clutter and cleaning system that whips your house into shape. We put theses things together so that your kids could be part of that process.

Simply Tidy Toolkit
Skip the stress and overwhelm of not knowing where or how to get started with a simple, just a few minutes a day, routine that guides you step-by-step to a consistently spotless space.
Say goodbye to weekend marathon cleaning sessions! Say goodbye to doing it all yourself.
Cleaning Schedule that Works for Everyone
OK, I am the first to admit that I didn’t love the idea of having a cleaning schedule where I had to do something specific on a certain day.
It felt restrictive and a little bossy…!
But when I saw how simple these short and efficient lists could be put together and how they build on each other so that one 5 minute task done on one day will save you 30 minutes later in the week, it felt so good.
The schedule is flexible and actually gives you the freedom to have more time and space in your home.
Check out the details on how this will work for you!